I know I've been MIA for a while, but that's because I started school this week -- My last semester at a community college. I'll be attending West Coast University in the fall!
This semester I'll be taking Chemistry 10 (Introduction to General, Organic and Biological Chemistry for Allied Health Majors), Math 110 (Elementary Statistics), and English 1A (English Composition).
School Schedule:
M: 1:15-6:10pm (Chem lecture, Stats)
TTH: 2:15-4:20pm (English)
W: 8am-6:10pm (Chem lab, Chem lecture, Stats)
My MW (but more along the lines of W) are definitely going to be much longer days than I've ever had. 11 hours, my goodness. At least my TTH makes up for it since it starts later in the day!
As it turned out, my friend Leslie from my Anatomy class last semester is in my Chemistry class too, so that's a plus! My professor is Chinese and has an accent, so it's a bit difficult to understand him. I'm going to have to really listen if I want to catch everything he's saying. I'm glad that I have him for lecture and lab though. From what I can tell so far, he teaches almost the exact same lessons in both parts of the classes and I can definitely use that to my advantage in understanding the topics better.
My Statistics class isn't too bad. I'm pretty much already tired by then since it starts at 4:45, but I'll manage! My professor seems to have a great and clear understanding in the lessons, and I always think it's the most important subject to have one that does. Otherwise, I'd be pretty much screwed because I already have a bit of trouble understanding math sometimes as it is.
I have to say that English has to be my favorite subject so far though. We're going to be covering the topics of "monsters" in society, so need I say more? Vampires! Lol, finally some topics that I'm interested in. We had our first "practice socratic seminar" yesterday, and I was one of those students that she had to cut off because I talked over my limit! That's never happened to me before, especially in socratic seminars, so I guess you could say it was a bit of a confidence boost for me in that class. Oh, also! My professor sounds like the mom from the show Good Luck Charlie on Disney Channel! I knew she sounded familiar on the first day, but I couldn't exactly pin point it until I got home later that day and saw my sister watching it.
I'm looking forward to this semester. It's definitely going to be a busy one, but that's what I love! Aiming for that 4.0 once again!
You go glen coco